STONE scoped the removal and replacement of existing masonry, this time with an opening to accomodate the installation of a new PTAC unit.
Prior to the installation of new PTAC unit sleeve, new waterproofing was installed in the newly created opening and inspected to ensure no leaks ensue in the future.
Post installation of a new PTAC unit sleeve, the perimeter of the new sleeve was sealed utilizing expanding foam to ensure no waste of conditioned air.
In conjunction with the PTAC sleeve installation, a new loose laid metal plate to support the masory above was installed. Post completion of sleeve installation, exterior insulation was also installed to retain temperatures.
Upon installation of new sleeve, a new drip edge was also installed to ensure for watertightness by diverting the water outward, toward the balcony drain.
Upon finalzing sleeve, insulation, and metal plate above installation, a new A/C grille sleeve was installed to keep the aesthetic consistent thoughout the facade and conceal the A/C unit beyond.