STONE performed their initial due diligence by performing close up observations and assessment of the existing facade to ensure all existing locations of the building were reapired and rehabilitated prior to the installation of new facade elements such as new railings and doors.
STONE's observations also proceeded into the interior which concluded that the interior required repairs and rehabilitation to the building interior slabs and walls prior to the installation of finishes, which, upon completion looked as if the building was built today!
STONE understands that with a gorwning demand in maximizing building usage, STONE repaired the existing roof deck and installation of pavers for the ability for workers and visitors to utilize the open space to its potential.
STONE installed several variations of materials at the roof level to accentuate the building and its character inside and out. The wood pavers give the building a more natural look and feel to all that visit the open space.
Just as the building needed to be reclaimed, so did nature. STONE made sure to include natural elements in the design to retain what was originally taken away prior to the building existence.
On and along the facade of the building, STONE did close up observations at all areas of the facade to make sure no items are left unchecked upon repair. When the building and its facade were restored, the building's finishing elements such as windows and storefront entry doors were installed.
STONE also took into account protective measures that needed to be installed at the building for the future workers and public. STONE installed new glass railings at areas that required due to low heights of areas prone to injury but giving the space a transparent look.
Found to be empty, lacking in lighting and egress. STONE repaired the space and specified what locations are to be opened up to ensure the space being touched is turned into something positive to the eye and to all seeing it everyday. The finished prodcut ensured that the space was brought back to life with all modern and futuristic amenities.