STONE replaced the entirety of the existing terrace with replacement of existing pavers with new for a more modern look to the building terraces.
STONE scoped the replacement of all building terrace door thresholds with new to match the existing historic appeal. STONE also replaced the existing weathered copper flashing with new to match existing.
STONE also focused on the replacement of the existing balcony curb covers to ensure the longevity of the existing balconies as well as a clean and updated look to the building facade.
STONE also scoped the replacement of all existing terrace drains. The drains were replaced to mimmic the size of an existing paver as well as be at plumb level with the remaining overburden on the roof.
STONE took the opportunity to also address the disrepairs at the underside of all the terraces to ensure a streamlined look with the building as well as the safety of the residents.
STONE scoped the replacement of all existing terrace railings with new to ensure proper safety heights and spacing for the protection of the residents.
In conjunction with thru-wall flashing replacement, STONE scoped the replacement of the existing window capping and installation of new wateproofing and joint sealant to provide proper water tightness for the building interior.
STONE ensured that all the existing terraces at and around the building received the attentive treatment and rehabilitation to provide the building residents with a safe and updated area for outdoor use.